Name: Onterio Wright
Occupation: Software Engineer
Skills & Tech Stack
Experienced Software Engineer adept in bringing forth expertise in design, development, testing and maintenance of enterprise level software systems. Able to effectively self-manage during independent projects, as well as collaborate as part of a productive team.
A creative thinker accustomed to working with various data structures while utilizing the latest cutting edge development tools and procedures. I've gained experience as a Software Engineer which is complemented by my demonstrated history in problem solving.
Proficient in JavaScript, React, and C# / .Net. I'm a strong engineering professional that's passionate about helping people and providing solutions to everyday problems.
Designing websites that are profesional and responsive. Altering the applications layouts depending on the screen size and device type.
Building fully functional Web Applicatons that are unique and tailored to a clients needs.
Developing software that is professional, dependable, and scalable.
Nutshell is a social media App with full CRUD functionality built with a team of developers that allow users to send
messages, create events, and create tasks. Nutshell was built using the React library and styled with bootstrap. Data is
stored and accessed using asynchronous fetch calls in JavaScript and JSON Server. Responsible for implementing tasks
My Shops is a single page App with full CRUD functionality built to help users find Barbershops and Salons based on
location. A user can search Barbershops and Salons, save them to their favorites, and create reviews about specific Shops
and Salons. Users can also view all reviews once logged in but, can only edit and delete their own. My Shops was built using
the React library and styled with bootstrap. Data is accessed using asynchronous fetch calls to an external API in
JavaScript and stored to a JSON Server.
Holiday Road is a Travel App with full CRUD functionality built with a team of developers that allow users to search state
parks, bizzares, and eateries. Users can create itineraries and save them to view later. Holiday Road was built using
Modular JavaScript, HTML, and styled with CSS. Data is stored and accessed using asynchronous fetch calls in Javascript and
JSON Server. Responsible for manipulating open weather maps API and implementing feature that allow users to view 5 day
weather forecast once park is selected.